
let’s kids have some fun with Smiley Potatoes face fries Recipe.

For making these Smiley Potatoes face fries, you will need the following Ingredients:
  • Potatoes 3 very large (peeled and boiled till soft)  
  • Corn flour 4 tbsp.  
  • Plain flour 1/4 cup  
  • Dry bread crumbs 3 tbsp.  
  • Garlic powder 1 tsp. (optional)  
  • Salt 1 & 1/2 tsp.  
  • Black pepper powder 1 tsp.  
  • Egg
For assembling Face:
  • Baking paper  
  • Straw  
  • Spoon  
  • Cutter  
  • Extra plain flour 3 tbsp  
  • Oil for frying


Mash the potatoes very well with, corn flour, plain flour, bread crumbs, salt, black pepper, garlic powder. Now add the egg and mix well. Put the baking paper on the counter, sprinkle the plain flour, put the potato mixture, sprinkle more plain flour, place  the other baking paper on top. Then roll the mixture 1/4 thick; carefully remove the baking paper.   Use the cutter to cut the shape. Use the straw to make the eyes and the spoon to make the mouth. Heat oil. Fry the smiley fries till golden and crisp. Place them on a paper towel to drain. Serve hot with ketchup.   

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