pink tea with nuts

Kashmiri Tea or Noon Tea Recipe.


Kashmiri tea or Noon Tea is traditionally made from a type of green tea leaves, milk, salt, and baking soda. A pinch of baking soda gives it a pronounced pink color. Usually this tea is salty.

In Pakistan, it is served with sugar and nuts.


  • 6 tbsp Kashmiri Tea Leaves
  • ½ tsp Baking Soda
  • ¼-1/2 tsp salt
  • 5-6 Cardamom Pods
  • 1 small piece of cinnamon stick (optional)
  • 2 cups cold water (I mix mine with ice)
  • finely chopped pistachios & almonds


  • Add all the ingredients except the ice cold water to a pot with 8 cups of cold tap water.
  • Bring to a boil, simmer for 2 hours, topping up if you need to so that the liquid doesn’t drop below ¼ of the original level
  • Run the tea through a sieve into a large bowl, press the tea leaves to extract every last bit of flavor, and discard the tea leaves.
  • Now get ready for a workout. Pour the ice cold water from a height into the tea concentrate.
  • Pour back and forth from bowl to bowl, or use a ladle to drop it back into the bowl from a height to aerate the tea. I suggest doing this in your sink or a prepped surface area since it does splash a bit.
  • After a full 5-8 minutes of doing this, the foam the tea produces will take on a rich bodied pink.
  • Bring the tea mix back to a boil, and simmer for five minutes. The “kahwa” is ready.
  • To make each cup of tea: Take a ladle (about ⅓ of a cup) of the kahwa, bring to a boil, and add ⅔ cup milk and a splash of water.
  • At this stage, I like to throw in an extra cardamom pod too. Cook for 2-3 minutes and serve topped with a crushed pistachios

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